
  • 1000Kn polat, ähliumumy tendensiýa synag maşynlary

    1000Kn polat, ähliumumy tendensiýa synag maşynlary

    Örümiň beýany Elektron-Gidrom-Gidromoci Service-a çenli "Elektro-Hrodompýuter Woş serfershliumumy synag maşynlarynyň hemmesi" Elektron-Godra testing at room temperature”. Ösen we m Ösýän we m ...
  • Laboratoriýa poslamaýan polat sement ýa-da suw wanmaslyk enjamlary: 1. sement synag bloklary üçin standart guýuş enjamlary. 2. A new generation of constant temperature curing equipment developed in accordance with ISO international inspection standards and based on foreign related technologies, featuring temperature display, control, compensation heating, and high-precision detection. 3. Data records can be saved for ten years. 4. The product can be made into three-layer six-grid...
  • YCC-306 poslamaýan polat bejergisi segeratorçylygy bejermek sementi, bu önüm, nusganyň temperatura aralygy boýunça bejerilmegini üpjün etmek üçin suw guýus ýerine ýetirýär ± ± 1 ℃ The YSC-306 type and YSC- Type 309 can meet different user requirements Technical Parameters: 1. Power supply: AC220V ± 10% 2. Capacity: 2 test water tanks per floor, a total of three layers of 40x40x 160 test blocks 6 grids x 90 blocks = 540...
  • YSC-306L akylsyz poslamaýan posital posly pyçak

    YSC-306L akylsyz poslamaýan posital posly pyçak

    YSC-306L intelligent stainless steel cement curing water tank The product is water-cured according to the requirements of the national standards GB / T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 to ensure that the specimen is cured within the temperature range of 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃. Suw temperaturasynyň biri-birine päsgel bermezden, suw temperaturasynyň egerçisidirdigini üpjün etmek üçin garaşsyz temperatura gözegçiligi. The main body of this product is made of 304 stainless steel, and the programmable controller is used for data collection...
  • Ysc-309 suwsyz polat polat sementleri suw tankyny bejermek

    Ysc-309 suwsyz polat polat sementleri suw tankyny bejermek

    Yşşer-30 309 poslamaly polat bejergä suw tanky, halkara ülňülerine GM / T176767679-199-13901-1999 üçin öz bahasyna ýetip gelýän önümçilikde suw guýusynyň 20 ° C we nusgasynyň bejerişindäki suw geçirmelerine ýetirilip bilner. Bu önüm, gözegçiliksiz polat we mikromeriperlerden kabul edilýär .HI, çeper görnüş-de we aňsat işlemegidyr. Tehniki parametrler: 1. Elektrik üpjünçiligi: AC220v ± 10% 2. Ses ...
  • Laboratoriýa sement sementi suw tankyny bejermek
  • YsC-104 poslamaýan polatdan ýasalan polat sementleri

    YsC-104 poslamaýan polatdan ýasalan polat sementleri

    Yşşken polit pürt sement çalşygy bejermek, bu önüm temperaturanyň temperatura geriminden, 20 ° C.9 önümiň temperaturasy üçin suw sarp ediler. and easy operation. Technical parameters: 1.power supply:AC220V±10% 2....
  • High Temperature Laboratory Muffle Oven 1600 Degree Uses:Box-type resistance furnace designed for chemical element analysis, and small pieces of steel hardening, annealing, tempering, and other high temperature heat treatment in laboratories of industrial and mining enterprises, universities, research institutes; Şeýle hem, metal, daşy, terbiýesini, pes derejede ýyladyşyň ýyladyşynyň ýaramazlaşmagyny üçin hem ulanylyp bilner. Aýratynlyklary: 1. Üýtgeşik gapys dizaýny, howpsuz we aňsat gapy OP ...
  • Beton galyplar üçin titreýän stol
  • Sement ýumşak synag stolunyň aýlawy laboratoriýasy
Habaryňyzy şu ýere ýazyň we bize iberiň